An Active Lifestyle Makes Your Kids Happier

An Active Lifestyle Makes Your Kids Happier

School Daze!

lena2It’s that time of year again – the school run, the parent-teacher meetings, the after-school activities, the homework… The list goes on! And the change in weather probably isn’t doing much for your mood either. At this time of year, it can be hard to find the time or the motivation to get active with your kids. But it’s worth making the effort!


How does an active lifestyle benefit kids?

Being active helps your kids be more successful at school, and the best time to start is at pre-school age. Research has shown that active kids perform better at school, are more independent, have higher self-esteem and are more creative.

Physical activity:

  • Helps your child think clearly
  • Makes them more creative
  • Encourages cognitive learning
  • Increases concentration
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Reduces depression by releasing important chemicals in the brain

lena3How to do it?

Well, we’ve already established that you don’t have much time! So how are you going to bring daily activities into a busy 1st grader’s routine?
Here, we provide you with some quick and easy activities for the fall/winter season, which you can work into after-school time with your kids. The Golden Rule: 
Be a role model! Kids learn best from their parents! Moms, it’s time to show those kids how it’s done 🙂 Keep it simple and fun and make it part of your life.

Here’s how I do it:

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Walking: Walking is probably the easiest activity to work into your everyday routine. Walking with your kids encourages them to talk to you. You get a better insight into their lives and what’s going on in their world.

Trampoline jumping: A trampoline might be a little harder to find but kids absolutely love it! It’s my son’s all-time favorite after-school activity. I jump as well. We’re both learning different tricks and love showing off to each other. 10 minutes relieves tiredness like nothing else!lena4

Bike or scooter: These are both great ways for your kid to get to school and home again. They give kids a sense of freedom and adventure! A bike is practically a rite of passage for a child. A scooter is cheap and convenient, and can easily be picked up and carried.

SUP (stand up paddling): Don’t panic – it’s easy and safe! Just find out where your nearest lake is or, if you’re lucky, head to the sea. Check out surfing and kayak rentals in your area. They all have SUPs, kids’ hydro suits and life jackets. One hour costs around the same as a couple of Starbucks’ coffees. You don’t need any special skills to do it either. My 6-year-old can’t get enough of it! It gives him a mental break after a busy school day. It’s usually very quiet on the lake so he has some quiet time after the noise of school. I usually go out with him because I find this activity quite meditative.  It also helps develop good balance and rowing skills.


Snow tubing: A great winter activity! Check if you’ve got snow tubing facilities in your town. Even 30 minutes’ snow tubing creates so much happiness and laughter.
 Don’t forget to climb up on foot instead of riding the lift!

Snowman building and show balls: winter favourites!

Table Games at a café: after you’ve finished with your outdoor fun, go and warm up in a cozy café. Play pocket chess or any other table game while waiting for your hot drinks!


My advice: always carry a ball with you. 
You might play an impromptu game of soccer or basketball on the way home. You probably won’t have time for a long one!

Or, if you see a playground on your way home, stop and have a climb with your kid. It’s fun and it’s good for your child’s development. Basic gymnastics is always good 🙂

Remember: 30 minutes of simple fun with you after school is something your kids will remember as some of the best moments of their childhood!


Fun activities and sports teach our kids that they can keep growing and improving themselves. Of course, they won’t realize that’s the goal – they’ll be having far too much fun!


Lena Filatova is a stroller fitness expert, blogger, a mom walked 5000 miles with the baby stroller. An author of Walkingmama and Strollnetics: Good Shape Costs Nothing For Moms! Get a stroller and start walking!

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