Ready to start your blog or website?

Don't wait any longer. You can create a blog or website in 3, 2, 1...

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Don't let starting a blog scare you. It's actually pretty easy. You just need a few tools to get you going.

Luckily for you, I have it all planned out for you.

Join me and receive your free guide and checklist for Blogging Must Haves.

Then, you'll receive a series of follow-up emails with deeper reflection and activities to help you identify your purpose, discover your best audience, and create the content you want.

Are you just starting out with blogging?

Maybe it's been a while since you did any sort of "authentic" writing.

Or maybe you're blogging but not reaching the audience you'd like to reach?

You have plenty to say, and someone out there wants to hear your particular voice. Don't doubt that you have a place in the blogging world. You do.

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I've been teaching writing for over 16 years, and I've watched as writers who long doubted themselves blossomed into effective and meaningful authors. You just need to start.

Over the years, I've helped friends and family think about what they should do to start a blog. Some wanted to create a blog for personal use only. Others wanted to get started with their business and needed their blog to be the landing page.

Whatever your purpose for creating your site and launching your blog, there are small steps that lead up to the final product.

My goal is to help you and anyone else struggling with getting started. Whether you're getting started from scratch, coming back from a hiatus, or needing a jolt to get the ideas flowing, I'm here to help.

Knowing that other folks are in the same boat can be comforting.

Plus, it's nice to have a little collaboration and networking when you're first getting your blog and writing off the ground.

Join our Blogging Genius group for tips, tricks, insight, collaboration, and more.