Cool as a Cucumber: Knowing Your Skin's Enemies and Protecting Yourself


Your skin – the largest organ in your body, your outer layer that protects you from outside intruders, the sometimes oily sometimes dry and often spotty surface that itches and irritates you from time to time.

The skin care industry is estimated to be worth $43 billion per year with Europe and the US holding the biggest market, accounting for over 50% of global skin care sales. Trends are projected to spike in Asia as well and more recently there has been a push for herbal products.

Women are not the only gender interested in caring for skin, as men becoming increasingly more aware about grooming and caring for shaving related skin irritations, acne, or dryness.

Skin problems can vary on a wide spectrum, from mild irritations that last no longer than a day to a persistent and chronic issue that can seriously impact your life and well-being. But before buying a medication or skin care line, it is important to assess what is the source of your skin irritation, take preventative steps to making sure exposure is minimal and then invest in a skin care solution to remedy the problem.

Here are a few sources of skin irritation that could be causing your skin to flare up.

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It’s a common misconception that if you didn’t have an allergy as a kid, that it will not develop over time. You can acquire an allergy as an adult and it can cause red rashes, hives, itchy spots, and other skin irritations. If you have any of these problems and they persist, the fastest way to clear up the speculation is to get an allergy test with a dermatologist.

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Do you spend a lot of time outdoors doing sports or hiking? Thousands of plants and insects cause unpleasant reactions with our skin. The effects will usually subside on their own within a day or two with some over-the-counter antihistamine but if the symptoms persist or worsen, consult a doctor right away.

3. Household Cleaning Products
If you work with these cleaning liquids regularly then the constant exposure to the chemicals found in these products could be causing your problems.  Wear rubber gloves when cleaning and switch brands to an eco-friendly unscented alternative if symptoms persist.

4. Heat
Excessively high temperatures or those traveling to hot countries can experience unpleasant heat rash, which causes an outbreak of blisters or red lumps. Sweat ducts get blocked from excessive sweating and trap the sweat under the skin causing this painful and unsightly reaction. Heat rash clears up on it’s own but you can alleviate the symptoms of cooling your skin with cold compresses and staying cool indoors as much as possible.

5. Shaving
There are a number of ways that shaving can irritate the skin. Shaving can cause painful ingrown hairs for some people, or an unsightly red rash when hair begins to grow out. There can also be bad reactions to shaving products like shaving cream or after-shave. Relieve ingrown with a hot compress and gently squeeze the hair follicle out. As for the shaving products, educate yourself on the art of shaving cream, make sure you choose the one that suits your skin type and master its use to minimize irritation.

6. Cosmetics
Makeup usually contains ingredients that can change composition if exposed to high temperatures or if they are used past their expiry date. It is important to make a note of this while storing or using your makeup. Active ingredients also affect cosmetics shelf life so pay attention to the ingredients on your makeup if you experience a reaction to a product. Additives, such as colors and fragrances, can often cause allergic reactions but one way to avoid complications is to buy fragrance-free cosmetics and other natural and organic cosmetics that contain no additive and preservatives.

7. Laundry Detergents
A common problem people experience is not finding the same detergent they always use and trying something new. This may irritate your skin, causing even more embarrassment if your pillow causes your face to break out. If you find that over time your faithful laundry detergent is causing your skin problems, invest in an eco-friendly fragrance-free gentler detergent.

8. Clothing
If you are having a problems with red rashes breaking out in your buttocks, inner thigh or elbow/knee region, it could be the fabric of the clothing you wear. Fabrics that trap heat don’t allow skin to breathe or cause chaffing and abrasions can cause extreme discomfort and painful rashes. Over time the clothes your used to be able to wear might not be suitable anymore, and you may have to opt for looser fabrics and linens.

Kate Simmons is a freelance writer on topics related to health and non-invasive medical procedures. Feel free to drop her a comment if you have any questions!

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