Fly on the Wall (September)

Fly on the Wall (September)

It’s Fly on the Wall time. You know, like what would a fly see if one was hanging out with you and just watching? I’m totally grossed out at the notion but am able to suspend my disbelief to realize it’s just a metaphor. Here’s what my little fly has been seeing this past month:

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Me: What would you like for breakfast?
Flash: Lemons.
Me: Um, we don’t have any lemons.
Flash: But I want them! (really sounds like “Buh I wah dem.”)
Me: We’ll have to go to the store.
Flash: Let’s go to the store! (“Leh go to uh stoh!”)
Me: Ok, we’ll do that later. What would you like for breakfast?
Flash: Lemons.


My kids have been insane this week. Granted, it’s the first week of real school for Math Man (he had teacher workdays first), and Miss Sassy Pants started 5th grade (what the what!?). So I just assumed it was all because of the new schedules and procedures we’ve been trying to put in place. But in the back of my mind, I just felt like there had to be something else. I should always trust my judgement because I just got this email:

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Silence. I never realized how much I longed for it. After the kids have gone to bed, Math Man and I find ourselves just sitting on the couch browsing our respective smart phones, playing mindless games or pinning pins of things we won’t get to do for a long time. Eventually, we look at each other. “We’re so stupid,” I’ll say. We’ve been sitting in silence — together, mind you — when we could have either had a good conversation or gone on to bed. I never realized how much I missed the silence.


We went shopping today with all four kids. Because we’re insane. But we went and despite the meltdown over not getting to eat all the fresh foods or the freak out because, No, you can’t have the Christmas decorations that are out in September, things went pretty well.

She rolled over. Just like that, our last baby is doing one of the biggest monumental greatest (yes, redundant – whatevs) things that she can do in her babyhood. Soon, she’ll be rocking on hands and knees. Then crawling. Then, we’re all going to be freaking out. Me because my last baby is no longer such a baby. The boys because she’ll be eating their stuff.

Wait – this might be a really good thing. The Animal used to freak. out. over Flash’s imminent destruction of his stuff and he cleaned up. I’m holding on to hope that Baby Diva’s eventual on-the-go status will create a domino effect of a clean house.

Stop laughing at me.

The Animal just ripped his toenail off. Like, horror movie blood all over the place ripped it off. Screaming like a banshee ripped it off.

I pulled out my mom-nurse mind frame and fixed him up. He was a trooper. Cried because it hurt (because he ripped. it. off.) but then laughed because I told him not to be surprised if his toe turned blue.

“BLUE!? COOL!” Is this another perk of being a mom to boys?

My house is pretty cluttered — hence the name of the blog — so it’s not unusual to find things we thought we’d lost. Tonight, I decided it would make sense to use the top of the Animal’s dresser as a organization spot for the boys’ weekly outfits (yes, sometimes I’m that organized) instead of a catch-all for lost socks and broken toys. Imagine my moment of shock when I saw this:


I wasn’t going to be that mom. I wasn’t going to lament the loss of babyhood with my last baby. Math Man and I had firmly agreed that Baby Diva would be the end of our child bearing, and we are happy with that decision. But every day that I have a peaceful moment with her – rocking her, loving on her, feeding her, playing with her – I have these twangs in my heart. This is it. Never again will I have THIS particular moment. When she starts to crawl, that’s the LAST baby of mine that I’ll get to celebrate. She’ll be walking. Then running. Then kindergarten. I’m not ready for this!


Click on these links for a peek into some other homes:

Baking In A Tornado
Spatulas on Parade
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Eileen’s Perpetually Busy
Southern Belle Charm
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3 thoughts on “Fly on the Wall (September)”

  1. I hate those darn plastic spiders. My nephew thinks it’s an awesome idea to hide them in plain sight then laugh like an evil genius when one of us adults find it. He gets me every single time.
    And a mobile baby really is the best way to get the place clean. My youngest nephew is 1 and still crawling, He can spot the smallest speck of dirt from 20 paces, we spend the whole time he visits running after him to rescue everything from being put in his mouth. It’s quite a workout.

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