Gay Marriage: One Christian WAHM’s Stance

Two gay people got married, and I didn’t explode. Honestly, I didn’t. I didn’t feel any burning sensations, my children are still healthy, the sun didn’t burst, and the heavens are still up there shining down on the Earth.

This Amendment One fuss and fighting has gotten out of control and is flying out of context. The hatred that people – many of them proclaimed Christians – are spewing is putting a bigger filth on the world than two people getting married because they love each other.

Today, I had the misfortune of watching (via Facebook/YouTube) a pastor in NC call for the death of homosexuals. He suggested that to rid the population of these people, he would put gay women in one fenced-in area and gay men in the other fenced-in area. Helicopters or planes could then drop food at the fences, and as the people rushed to get the food, they would be shocked by an electric fence. Oh, and the world would be better because they wouldn’t be able to procreate since they were separated. (Hint: Plenty of HETEROsexual people have gay progeny. Insert forehead slap.)

Um, does this sound like Hitler-esque behavior or what?

What is happening to this country and this world? We are supposed to be LESS ignorant than our forefathers. We are supposed to be MORE educated than those who came before us.

I know that someone is reading this and is ready to spout off some Bible verses. Well, let me assure you that I am a proud Christian who studies my Bible. And one of the biggest verses in that Bible – one that is quoted, repeated, discussed, and taught over and over in both secular and religious forums is this: Formiga Love one another (Comes from 1 John 4:7). And don’t forget that Jesus called us to   buy modafinil europe “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31).

And let me remind some people of this one because this is what too many people are doing: “Do not judge or you too will be judged” (Matthew 7:1 NIV).

If I haven’t made myself clear yet, let me help my readers out.

I don’t care if two women get married or if two men get married. At least they’re MARRIED. If they choose to vow to one another for the rest of eternity and stay *gasp* MONOGAMOUS – then that’s GREAT!

No one is perfect. Heck, I’m not perfect. I’m a divorcee!!!! Oh my gracious, yes. I was married before I met Aaron, and that fella and I got a divorce. But no one seems to worry about my soul. Why is that any different? That guy and I pledged our never-ending love for one another and guess what: IT ENDED. There are so many reasons for the demise of my first marriage, and I’m not trying to say that I should have stayed in that marriage. For just as many reasons, it was best for both parties to say farewell.

So why do we care WHO gets married to WHOM? Why do we worry about who others choose to love? If they stay married, then WHO CARES!?

Are children losing limbs because of it?
Did the Earth stop turning?
Will aliens invade because of it?


Here’s what I propose. Instead of wasting all of our energy and time worrying about two people who simply love each other and want to live their lives together, let’s worry about some of the bigger issues that actually need to be fixed in this country:

  • Between the years of 1999 and 2009, there were 142,579 children who were dealing with cancer. (
  • Between July of 2009 and June of 2010, there were 25 violent school-related deaths in our country. (
  • In 2010, 91,400 children ages 12-18 were victims of violence at school. (
  • About 1.3 million students don’t finish high school each year.(
  • The chances that a child will be homeless in their lifetime is 1 in 50. (

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