I swear I will be healthier…

My husband looks at me with one eyebrow up when I tell him I’m pretty sure I have a problem. I will raise my right hand and say, “Hi, I’m Lydia, and I have an eating problem.” He’ll laugh, I’ll laugh, and it’s sort of swept under the table.

I’m going to get serious here for a second and say that I actually do think I have a problem.
I joke around a lot and talk about my love for cakes and cookies. As I sign off from an online meeting, I laughingly say that I’m on my way to eat a bowl of ice cream before bed. Some of you may remember that I rewarded myself for running a full 5k by giving myself a birthday cake — three months after my birthday.
The weird part is that I know that I have an obsession with food — most especially sweet food — and I’m not certain how to combat it. Plus, I seriously HATE exercise and sweat, and I find every reason under the sun why I don’t have time for a workout today.
And, at the same time, I have very few clothes that actually fit. Well, very few clothes that aren’t a pair a sweats and a t-shirt. So, I know that in order to fit into the clothes that I have hanging in the closet, I need to do something about it.

But, where do I get the energy and will power? I want to look and feel better, but I don’t want to do the work.

I think all the intellectual work I do (which isn’t tons, but it’s plenty) should count for something. It should burn calories, too.

And, I also think that once we give birth, we should have a free pass to returning to an awesome body…or at least the body we had pre-baby.

Ok – so all the whining aside, I HAVE to do something NOW. Yesterday, I had four sodas. FOUR! That’s crazy! I kept telling myself that since they didn’t have caffeine, it wouldn’t hurt anything.

My dinner last night was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

The problem isn’t that hard to identify, and yet I can’t get myself to take care of me. My daughter and son eat very well. I preach good food and exercise to them. I am not practicing what I preach.

I’m going to say on this public forum right now that things are going to change. I planned to reach my goal weight by the Animal’s first birthday. That’s in exactly 26 days. I still have 14 lbs to go. Can I do it?

Well, we’ll find out soon enough.


culpably This link above is to Mamavation – an awesome website and community that works together to encourage the prevention of obesity in families. Being a part of the Sistahood would mean more support for me and for others out there in the same or similar boats. I can’t wait to share with them…

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