Tips for Success

Tips for Success

In April 2013, I had my third baby. When I weighed myself that morning (it was about 2 am when we reached the hospital), I weight 228 lbs. I had gained a considerable amount with that pregnancy, but I also had started out at least 20 lbs overweight.

In July 2013,;O=D I was part of a bootcamp via Mamavation where I was taught how to eat well, exercise regularly, and detox my household. In the seven weeks of that campaign, I lost 19 lbs. (These 19 lbs didn’t include the weight I had lost between April and the start of the campaign.)

It’s now January 2014, and I can say that I’ve lost a total of 59 lbs so far. I currently weigh 169. This is a great weight, and I look better than I have in years. It’s not my final goal, though. I still want to lose another 14 lbs to reach my goal weight of 155 (this would get me back to where I was before I found out I was pregnant with baby #1).

Yes, I had help during the campaign — but it was all virtual help. So, while I did have great success, I didn’t fake any of it. Because I was reporting the completion of my exercises and the lists of what I ate via the computer, I could have really made up some stuff. I didn’t. And this was proven through my scale pictures weekly and the measurements at the end of the campaign. You can see the changes between the start and end of the campaign. I also took a picture two months ago to see even further improvement.



I couldn’t have been successful without a few key ingredients:

  1. Support system – My husband was integral to my success. He was cheering me on and ogling me regularly. When he put his hands on my waist and said, “Wow – I can feel a difference,” that just pushed me to continue working. I know that we should do these things for our own benefits, but I don’t think anyone can really say that it doesn’t feel good to be told you look good.
  2. Setting realistic goals – I knew that I only had seven weeks in the campaign, so I wasn’t expecting to drop down to 155 in that small amount of time. I love the idea of setting small goals like, “I want to lose 5 pounds.” Then, when you reach it, you can check that off your list and set your next goal! My original goal weight was 165. Now that I’m only 14 lbs away, I’m using this as my 2014 goal.
  3. Get moving – I really hate sweating. I make no secret of this on my blog or on my Facebook posts. I really wish I could lose weight and burn calories by being a genius (wow, I’d be in good shape, huh?). Alas, that’s not possible. I followed MrBookieboo’s exercise regimen as closely as I could. I ran when he told me to run. Then, when the bootcamp was over, I kept running. My thighs are looking prettier and prettier to me, and I can fit into pants that Aaron said used to look sprayed on!
  4. Stay positive – Not every day is perfect. I have fallen off the bandwagon (and been dragged behind it) plenty since July. We are all human, and we can’t be expected to do everything perfectly all the time. So, we have to stay positive and see the forest for the trees.

What are some of your tips for staying positive?

Best tipsfor Success Join me tonight as we learn who the Mamavation Bootcamp 18 moms will be. I’m so excited to serve as a mentor and be on “this side” this time!

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16 thoughts on “Tips for Success”

  1. The best feeling ever on this journey was when my husband wrapped his arms around me and told me he could feel the difference. Having a great friend who can pump you up when you feel deflated and beat is the best thing in the world for staying positive. Thanks for being there for me!

  2. Congrats on the 59 lbs lost so far — you will be at your goal weight before you know it 🙂 Setting little goals is a huge help for me. It makes me feel like I am making more progress being able to hit the smaller goals as a I go instead of feeling like I am working endlessly towards a larger goal that I may never reach. When I start to feel discouraged, I have to remind myself that I didn’t end up overweight overnight and that it will take time to get back in shape and to get healthy again.

  3. Staying positive is so hard, some days. I like to tell clients to look for little things to be grateful for – handling a situation differently than you would’ve as your “previous self,” (i.e., wanting to hit the snooze, but instead propelling yourself out of bed!), any physical gains you’ve made (whether weight or strength-related), no matter how small, etc. Celebrating little victories along the way help remind you why you’re doing all this work! Great post, and congrats on 59 lbs. – that is major!

    1. Looking for the little things is such a smart idea! I need to remember to look for the small victories when I’m feeling less than successful. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. Congrats on 59#! I need to work on staying positive as I get moving… Too often I justify my lack of activity on sleep deprivation or chasing two active little boys at home.

    So thank you for the post. I’m now turning off the computer and taking the boys on a walk.

    1. It’s really important to just MOVE. I wish the weather here would get to the point where I feel like going outside with my boys daily again. Can’t wait for spring!

  5. Thanks for sharing this. It is very motivating and helpful to know what to expect in this Mamavation Bootcamp. You had the same starting weight as I did, of 228 lbs. I somehow gained more after my pregnancy though. That’s how I knew it was time to get serious. When you pass your full term pregnancy weight, and you’re not pregnant. Yikes! Thanks for all your support, and hazing,

  6. Look at you! Way to go!
    Isn’t it amazing what we can do when we finally make up our minds, get moving, and just go for it? I am so proud of your progress.

  7. What a great post….I think for my although I am a positive person I think I am not super positive with myself which has been my downfall. I love your comment about falling off and then begin dragged behind the wagon…..I am currently in the dusting myself off and getting off the road part of my journey! Congrats on your amazing weight loss and transformation to healthy

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