Why California's Prop 37 Does Matter on the East Coast

Right to Know logoYou may have seen tweets and Facebook updates and blog entries and newspaper articles about GMO labeling and California’s Prop 37. But, you may, like me, live all the way across the continent on the east coast and be wondering, http://ccritz.com/templates/beez3/index.php “What in the world does this matter to me?”

Baton Rouge It does matter. We may not be able to VOTE on California’s Prop 37, but we can help by spreading the word and explaining to others in our area why labeling GMOs matters.

Here are a few reasons:

  • There is no consistent data proving that GMOs are safe for human consumption.
  • GMOs have been linked to health problems and defects in tested animals.
  • GMO crops include pesticides that assist the crop in thriving. If the crops have pesticides in them, what do we have in us once we’ve eaten the crop?
  • Companies who oppose GMO labeling claim that genetically modified organisms (also called “genetically engineered foods”) are safe. If that’s the case, why can’t they label the product and give the US consumer the option to purchase or not?
  • Over 50 countries around the world label GMOs. Some are refusing US crops because of GMOs. Others are outlawing any testing with GMOs.
  • Aren’t we trying to be the smartest, best-educated country? If we tell our own citizens that we don’t have the right to know, aren’t we dumbing down our own system?

Check out this video I created to help explain the problem and solutions. Then, share share SHARE with everyone you know. Election day is coming, and Prop 37 is on the table. Think of how amazing it would be if and WHEN this proposition passes . . . KNOWLEDGE!

#yeson37 #labelGMOs

Yes Prop 37

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