4 Ways to Avoid Parenting Stress

4 Ways to Avoid Parenting Stress

guestgeniusChildren, may they be infants, toddlers, teens or college going adults, will always be kids to their parents. It’s a psychological thing that makes the parents so careful about their children’s behavior and actions. Irrespective of the age group, children annoy and irritate their parents constantly, knowingly or unknowingly.

However, there is a limitation to a parent’s patience. When the patience appears to disappear, anger comes out. Anger leads to arguments, mental illusions, mental instabilities and stress.

So, if the parents could be a little more patient and observant about their child’s deeds and could have a little more time to analyze their behavior, there wouldn’t be any conflicts at all. However, parents are also human beings. And as a human being and as a parent, importance of an improved and stabilized mentality can be understood.

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For parents that constantly deal with stress, I have enlisted five ways a parent can avoid stress. All of them are psychological solutions. They should work for every human being, capable of reading this discussion.

Mindfulness of the body

By paying attention to our body and its sensations, we might see the role it plays in our bad mood. We may notice that we are slumped or slouched, frowning, eyes half-open, mouth downcast, breath shallow or maybe even the muscles get tense. We might see that these gestures create a prison of despondency. Sometimes, after feeling the sensations, simply making adjustments to any of these stances can subtly shift our outlook.

Mindfulness of feelings

We should differentiate between feelings and emotions. Feelings are those instantaneous judgments about the desirability of what we perceive, so we describe them as either ‘pleasant ‘, ‘unpleasant’ or ‘neither pleasant nor unpleasant’. Practicing awareness throughout a day, we notice how all day long we categorize everything we perceive with our senses, as well as our thoughts and actions, into pleasant, unpleasant or neither and, perhaps most significantly, we fully believe in all our ratings as though they reflect the truth.

Mindfulness of mental states

Mental states include craving, freedom from craving, calm, confusion, and whether the mind is distracted or concentrated. So when we are aware of a mental state such as anger arising, we merely label it ‘anger’, and watch it, without judgment, without trying to distort it into a more acceptable state and without endlessly analyzing ourselves. We do not flee, panic, fear or become lost in the anger, for such reactions complicate and escalate the emotion.

Let Go. Just be familiar with your visiting emotions

As we grew up, we may have been taught that our negative emotions were unacceptable. As a result, many of us came to see the less socially acceptable emotions as dangerous. Experiencing our emotions fully might suggest a loss of control, as they run rampant, wreaking havoc.

Numbness, or aloofness, might have become the answer in the face of strong emotions, but confusion, guilt and fear are more likely. The arising of anger, sadness and pride is likely to panic us and parents do realize that and they should be aware enough to teach all these things to their in a fair way, not in a rush, cause children don’t accept these moral things quickly.

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