7 years today

buy Pregabalin tablets My little girl is 7 years old today.

She is so excited about her birthday and the celebrations that surround it. When she came into our room this morning, I said, “Well, there’s the birthday girl!” and she smiled and said, “I’ve been singing the birthday song!”

She explained that at school today, she’ll get to wear either the crown or the cake hat, she’ll be getting Subway from her dad, cupcakes from me, and that she’d been waiting for this birthday, “for, well, a YEAR!”

We went out into the kitchen to get started with breakfast, and I gave her the first present of the day. Because of the little gal she is, she wouldn’t have cared if I’d bought her a new pencil. Instead, it was 2 bows I’d made her by hand which prompted her to scream, “I love you mom! You’re the best mom ever!” while hugging me around my middle. She then asked me to please fix her hair so she could wear the bow with cupcakes.

As I dropped her off in the car line, I got a little weepy. She told one of the teachers who always greets her that it was her birthday, received a hug, and then continued to march happily into the school building to start her very exciting day. Why did I get weepy? Great googly, my little baby is SEVEN YEARS OLD!

On this day seven years ago, about this time (early morning), I was in the hospital assuming I would be giving birth. But, they sent me home and told me I wouldn’t be having a baby any time soon.

Less than 5 hours later, I was headed back with some freakishly awesome contractions. Of course, this time, they kept me, and baby girl was on her way (except I didn’t know if I was having a boy or a girl – we’d decided to be surprised).

By 9 pm that night, I was pushing, and she was born. What a crazy adventure it was. After they gave me the “good stuff,” I couldn’t really feel anything. The movie, John Q, was playing on the screen in the corner, so I watched that in between pushes. The nurses and I laughed about my laid-back-ness.

Then, Miss Thang made her entrance, and my life has never been the same.

She was such a sweet baby. I honestly don’t remember any awful fussy periods. I know that she gave us the scare with Jaundice and then at a year with Henoch-Schonlein purpura (awful night in the ER on Christmas Eve). I know there were days that I doubted my sanity. There were stuffy noses and bruises and cuts.

But, this little girl is the sweetest and smartest little girl I’ve ever known. She is funny and witty. She is wise beyond her years. She is gracious and loving. She’s even a little sassy these days.

I wouldn’t change anything about her, and I look forward to loving her for as long as the Lord lets me be on this Earth – and beyond.

Happy Birthday, Miss Sassy Pants. 🙂

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