And then there was peace…for five minutes

Pandacaqui And then there was peace…for five minutes

I have three kids — eight, two, and almost-3 months. Life around here stays pretty busy and rarely quiet.

I also work from home teaching English to high schoolers on line. It’s necessary that I get some time to focus on my job in order to actually do a GOOD job.

As you can probably tell (and as many of you have most likely experienced), finding time to yourself when all of your children are awake is hard.

Then, the Animal found our play dough ice cream shop toy. I had forgotten the thing existed, and to be honest — I hate play dough.

It drives me nuts when people mix play dough colors. I hate that it dries on the toy if you don’t clean it perfectly, and then you have crusty play dough boogers on the toys. And I hate that I inevitably end up with chunks of play dough crumbs all over my floor.

When Miss Sassy Pants was small, I resisted playing with the stuff. She’d beg and ask, and I had to be in a really good mood to be ok with it (go ahead and start throwing rocks at me now).

But now, it’s a life saver.


Right now, they are sitting at the dining room table happily playing — TOGETHER — without screaming. They aren’t tugging on my shirt. They aren’t begging me to “look look!” and I’m able to get some work done. The 8 year old is being mighty helpful to the 2 year old. There is peace!

For now.


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