#AskAwayFriday with The Liebers

#AskAwayFriday with The Liebers

It’s my first #AskAwayFriday, and I was touched when http://dardogallettostudios.com/tango-at-home-free-advance-partnering-step/ Rabia from The Liebers asked me to play along. She asked me ten questions (which I answered below), and I asked her ten questions which she answered on her blog! (Be sure to go see what I asked and what she said!)

Also, be sure to check out this week’s hosts of #AskAwayFriday:

Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom

#AskAwayFridayWithout further ado:

1. http://thevintry.com.au/product-category/gift-cards/?add-to-cart=815 Why did you start your blog? Everyone was doing it. Seriously. I also really like to write and talk about myself, and someday I’d like to be famous. What better way than to be all honest and open on the Internet?

2. You have a girl and two boys, like I do. Which is easier? Girls or boys? This is sort of a trick question because so far, I think they’re equally easy and difficult depending on the day. My daughter is 9. Most days, she’s easier because she can fend for herself. She has actually referred to herself as “second mom,” and she’s basically right. But, she’s also entering that fun girl drama stage. Having been a 9 year old girl, I want to profusely apologize to my parents. The boys are so young that we haven’t really reached any drama. The difference between them and my daughter is how much more physical they are in everything. Where she was all about dressing up and playing kitchen, these boys want to wrestle, climb, and push. That’s enough to make Mommy freak out.

3. In high school were you a jock, nerd, or artsy kid? None of the above, really. I played tennis one year because at our school, we had to either choose a sport or take PE. I chose the sport that I thought would take the least effort. I was in the top level classes, but I wouldn’t call myself a “nerd” — especially considering I quit AP History because everyone was already dead. I didn’t reach the potential for “artsy” until my senior year when I finally allowed myself to do theater. If I could go back, I’d be your artsy kid in theater every day!

4. Looking at their personalities right now, what do you think your kids will be when they grow up? Miss Sassy Pants will be the President of the United States – or a lawyer. She’s quick on her feet, good at arguing, and doesn’t meet a stranger. The Animal (3) will be an astrophysicist. He’s obsessed with the planets and has known their order since before he was two. Anything and everything to do with the planets — he’s there. He also likes to figure out shapes and numbers. Flash just turned 1, and he’ll be a musician. Or a rock climber. Or a comedian. Or a rock climbing, singing comedian. 

5. You have a book published already and it’s the first of a series.  What’s next? Can we have a sneak peek? I have two things going on in my brain. The first is a second story in my planned series about Annie and her friends (the BFFs). This one will focus on Angela, the least kind of the friends. She’ll learn a lesson about being nice to people you don’t know and not jumping to conclusions. The other is a project one of my real life BFFs and I just decided on. It stars a real live goose. That’s all I can say.

a day to remember

6. You run!  (I don’t!) What keeps you moving during that last mile? Music. If I’m making it to three miles, the songs can make a huge difference. I also have a small competitive streak, and I’m competing with myself. I know what my best time is, and I use an app that helps me keep up with all of that info. I want to keep dropping my time. My sister and I have a goal of doing 14 5ks in 2014. I continue to train so that I can at least have a decent time at the public races.

7. What is the oldest post in your draft folder? And why haven’t you finished it? I had to go look! Right now, it’s just a title: “No one wears the pants in this house.” I keep seeing these memes circling Facebook about how women should work for their men and men are the head of the household. As much as I am a traditional gal, I disagree. My husband and I make decisions together, and we parent together. Thus, no one wears the pants. I also thought the title was a funny double entendre.

8. Silly question!! Would you rather be a mortician or a taxidermist? Why? Oh totally gross! I think I’d rather be a taxidermist because I’ve dissected animals with pretty much no problem, but I’ve never dealt with dead humans. Animals would freak me out less.

9. Would you rather go 100 years into the past or 100 years into the future? What would you do there? Definitely 100 years into the past. My grandparents were all born in the early 1900s, and I’d love to meet my great grandparents.  I’d also love to see what the world was like during as WWI was about to start. Plus, I don’t want to go in to the future and be sad about knowing the end of my life or my children’s lives. 🙁

10. Do you have a favorite charity or non-profit that you support? I love the MonkeyDoProject. They raise money and awareness about the Appalachian area of our country — did you know it’s the MOST impoverished section of the US? I didn’t until I became a Blogging Ambassador for them.


Be sure to head over and hang out with Rabia for a bit. I enjoyed learning more about her! And thanks for inviting me!!

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11 thoughts on “#AskAwayFriday with The Liebers”

  1. I love your answers, Lydia! I’m so glad you agreed to pair up with me. I can’t wait for the next book in your series. Frances will be excited too! I often wonder if Henry is going to be president someday. He’ll be in charge of something, that’s for sure!!

  2. Isn’t it so much fun to look at each of your Kiddies and see what they can be? I watch mine all the time and their personalities are so distinct! Great exchange with you and Rabia…it’s been nice meeting and getting to know you!

    1. I try to not think too much about the future so I can hang out in the NOW, but it is fun to make some guesses about what they’ll be or what they’ll look like. Thank you for coming by!

  3. Happy to see you on Ask Away Friday!
    I do wonder about boys and girls and I guess they’re both easy/hard in their own ways. And your one-year-old sounds like mine. I think mine will be a juggling comedian when he grows up, at this rate.
    My daughter could definitely run for President – just for a different term than yours!

    1. Thank you! I definitely have to have that music…if I can hear myself hitting the pavement or breathing, I psyche myself out. Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Wonderful getting to know you better, Lydia! I have a girl and two boys also, though much older at 11, 14, & 20. My girl is definitely my feisty one! LOL! I love that post title…and I definitely agree. I may be traditional but I cannot be docile! Hope you have a great week!

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