Babies are out to get us!

I think that when babies are born, the hospital takes them into the little nursery thing to “get some shots” or “be observed,” but they’re actually being given their mission: to be confusing and difficult.

Our little Animal is 7.5 months old. He’s as sweet as can be, and when he’s not furrowing his brow at you, his smile can melt your heart. He’s generally happy and funny and laid back (kind of like his dad!).
But as soon as I think I have him figured out — as soon as a pattern seems to be developing — BAM! He changes something or does the complete opposite of what I expect.
And I know it makes no sense to say that saying something out loud will jinx it — but I swear this is true. Otherwise, why would things 100% change after I’ve said something heavenly like, “He slept all the way through the night!” or “He just took an awesome 2 hour nap!” Literally, as soon as I say these things, it’s like the mission goes in to effect, he receives a bat signal, and all is crazy again.
My current issue is that he’s nursing at a bunch of funky times, he’s sleeping weirdly, he’s trying to drop his 3rd nap (causing evenings to be JOYOUS (sarcasm)), and we’re pretty sure he’s getting tooth #9 and #10. I know I said “issue” which would suggest just ONE problem, and then I listed four – but you get my point.
Being a parent is stinking hard. This isn’t for the faint of heart or those who think they can just go about their business willy-nilly. Reason number a-billion-and-something that every time my students looked at me while I was pregnant and said, “Aww, I can’t wait to have a baby!” that I said, “YES YOU CAN!”
But I digress.
I’m pretty sure that babies are out to get us. Otherwise, why would they have such cute faces and do such weirdly evil things? And why else – after several months of taking naps with out a fuss – would he currently be in his bed yelling for me?
When he first discovered his hands, Aaron and I said it looked like he was wringing them together as if he were hatching an evil plan. Now we know the truth.

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