Bring That Pinterest Board to Life: 7 Craft Room Essentials

Bring That Pinterest Board to Life: 7 Craft Room Essentials

cheap liquid clomid guestgeniusAwesome guest post today about getting your craft room together so that you can bring all of your Pinterest board ideas to life! I know I need to follow a few of these suggestions myself!


Plenty of Light

Every craft room should have plenty of light to ensure that your work is easier and stress-free. Ideally, keep your craft supplies in a room with a large window or two and good natural light, which can boost your mood. If that’s not possible, make sure you have plenty of illumination via overhead lights, torch lamps and small work lamps. Use as many as you need to make sure that your eyes do not have to strain to see details as you design your latest quilt or scrapbook page.


Good shelving is a must. You need a place to store and access all of your yarn, wrapping paper, ribbons, large tools, and so on. Shelving also helps you keep things organized by type if you are a multi-crafter!

Small-Item Storage

Small bins, mini-shelves, pegs, and poles can help you keep your supplies sorted and accessible when you need them. Make sure to label each storage space so that you can remember where to get what you need with a glance.

Comfortable Workspace

Make sure that your workspace is comfortable, whether you like to sit or stand. If you like to do both, use a table with a height that allows you to stand and work and then switch to a stool. According to DIYer Kevin Devoto, your table—or tables—should have plenty of open space so that you can spread out your projects and work without having to move a dozen things out of your way.

Bring That Pinterest Board to Life 7 Craft Room Essentials


Keep the things that you use most often near the edges of your shelves or in the top of your storage containers. If you have to dig through a bin or five every time you want to work on your latest crocheted scarf, you may never finish it. Less used items can be hidden away behind cabinet doors or in a closet.

Good Seating

An adjustable seat can make craft time comfortable and fun. You can spin around to switch tables and also move the chair up and down if your kids are helping you with a project.

Idea Boards or Binders

Finally, keeping your inspirations and ideas on a cork board or in idea binders can make finding a new project easy and fun. When your ideas are right in front of you, you can add details as you think of them so that they are already well developed when you are ready to begin work.


hyperbatically Annette Hazard is a freelance writer that usually writes about the home and family. She is a mother of one and enjoys spending her free time exploring the outdoors with her family.

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