Five Minute Friday: Write

Five Minute Friday: Write

Today’s Five Minute Friday word is write.

writing on notepad
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/

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I really like to write. I mean, I do have this blog. But, I’ve been writing as long as I can remember. As a child, I was making up stories and writing poetry.

When I hit middle and high school, my poetry shifted to something a little darker — more pensive. I assume that it’s because I was in and out of “love” with whatever boy I had in my sights at the time. The poetry flowed easily from the pen to the paper, and I have stacks of it in my closet. Sometimes, I go back and look at what I wrote, and I wonder: will I be like Emily Dickenson? Will my poetry be found years after my death and appreciated? Will high school juniors studying American poetry furrow their brows at the symbolism of the rain or butterflies or the ocean?

Probably not.

Instead, my kids will find these boxes of poems that range from sad to angry to romantic and wonder, “What was going on with Mom?” They’ll probably assume that I had all these ridiculous boyfriends and relationships. When, in all actuality, there were a total of four “real” boyfriends.

Maybe I should go find that box of poetry and siphon out the dorky ones. Maybe I should find the poems that will have my children furrowing their brows trying to make sense of mom’s childhood.

Or maybe not.

I’ll leave them there for someone to find years down the road. The longer they sit, maybe, the better they get. Like wine?

So, I’ll keep writing what I’m writing these days. The audience may be small (mostly just me, my  mom, and the good friends who are willing to read), but I’m getting my thoughts out. My fingers move deftly over they keyboard – much different from those high school days when the only resource to write it all down was the blue ink pen that spilled all over my fingers.

Five Minute Friday

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