Mama's Beauty

Mama's Beauty Today, Cluttered Genius is participating in the Summer Blog Swap sponsored by A Grande Life. Please welcome Bridgette from Philly Sproutlet, my Summer Blog Swap partner!

I have been in the skin care and beauty business for over ten years. It has been my career choice and I have always enjoyed learning about new products. I have tried an abundant amount of products through the years. If it offered to bring that glow or potentially stop the wrinkles…well sign me up!! Since I have tried so many different products from super chemical to vegan I consider myself to be a bit of an expert on the subject.

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When I became pregnant I started to look into my beauty regimen and since I was no longer just in charge of my own care but of a new life growing inside me I realized I had some questions about the products I was using and of they were safe to use. Most everyday products are completely safe but there are some ingredients, which can be potentially harmful to use while pregnant as well as when breastfeeding. Anything you put on your skin or body may eventually get into your body or in the bloodstream.

Here is a list of products some doctors will tell you to avoid, of course if you have any concerns or questions be sure to ask your health provider or dermatologist.

  1. Retinol (Vitamin A): Found in Anti-Aging products
  2. Salicylic Acid: This is a concern if used in high doses such as for facials or peels
  3. Soy based products: This is really only an issue if you have dark spots, while pregnant soy can make them worse
  4. Parabans: Avoid these pregnant or not (my opinion)
  5. DBH: In some nail polish

One thing I was surprised but quite happy to learn was hair removers and minimizers are safe. Now let me tell you ladies, at some point you will not be able to see below your belly, it’s true, and shaving is nearly impossible. So if you even still care at 8 or 9 months this a fantastic option.

Let’s talk makeup! I personally have always been a makeup minimalist so for me I pretty much was able to keep the same routine. Many of you have heard about the “Pregnancy Glow”? Yep it’s true for some but it’s also true that for many women your skin becomes sensitive, blotchy, red, puffy, or more acne prone, nice huh? Well my advice, is don’t go for more cover up or pile makeup on. Keep it light and fresh. Try using an oil-free tinted moisturizer or powder. Play up the good parts, lips, eyes or cheeks. Use this to go pamper yourself, take some time for you believe me you’ll want it because it won’t be that easy after baby.

Oh hair, if you color you may want to wait to do it until after the first trimester. I am a big fan of doing highlights, since they don’t ever touch your scalp or henna is a good option while pregnant. Let your stylist know and they should be able to recommend less harmful and harsh products.

As always pregnant or not…USE SPF!!!! It’s not harmful and it’s necessary…ALWAYS! And if you haven’t used it in the past you’re going to want while pregnant because many women get what is know as “mask of pregnancy” which is triggered by sun exposure. The spots will usually go away after pregnancy. Ahh, gotta love pregnancy hormones!

There are tons of beauty products out on the market especially made for mamas-to-be. Some of my personal favorites include the Burt’s Bees Mama Bee line, Belli, Earth Mama Angel Love, California Baby and Mama Mio. All have a nice variety of products for face and body. Indulge, Relax and Take Care of You…

order Misoprostol online no prescription Pharma Life I am super fortunate to have a 2 and 1/2 year old beautiful little boy, a wonderful partner to share in my life adventures, and a silly neurotic dog! I love writing, blogging and spending time with my family. I am also the owner of Philly Sproutlet Baby Planner. I feel so lucky and fortunate to work with expectant and new parents. It is a truly amazing and gratifying experience.

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