Math Man and Me

Today, I’m playing along with Ilembula Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop, and I’ve chosen to answer this prompt: 6 Random Facts About You and Your Husband


So, here goes:

1. Our first date (and first meeting) was at Chili’s where we talked for 3 hours and bugged the waitress who kept (quite obviously) sweeping AROUND us hoping we would leave. I’ve been a waitress. I know how annoying it is when that table just won’t leave. She didn’t do a good job hiding the frustration.

2. We do dorky things like Google questions we have about why M&Ms are called M&Ms or who played who in the movie we’re watching. Sometimes, the Googling derives from an argument wherein we’re trying to prove that each of us is correct. (I usually win.)

3. Since we both work(ed) online as teachers, we have gotten into the habit of being in the office working after the kids go to bed. This results in not “relaxing” until way too late thus sending us to bed way too late. Even on nights when we don’t have actual work to do, we’re still sitting in front of the computer. Like tonight, as I write this.

4. We fight over the sheets at night. Sure, he tries to be all sly and turn over while holding the sheets (“But I didn’t mean to! I was asleep!”). But, I know what he’s doing.

5. His elbows and I do not get along. In fact, he has the pokiest elbows of anyone I’ve ever met. Just ask my right EYE that met his poky elbow in the middle of the night when I tried to roll over to love on him. It was awful. He still picks on me to this day for lying there and whimpering for 30 more minutes.

6. He pretends to be normal, and I’m very not normal. I’m a complete goofball. Our mutual students were even known to ask me how the two of us even ended up together. Rest assured, I picked the right guy. He’s a goofball too — he just reserves it for me.

What are some random fun things about you and your significant other?

Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop

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