Moments of Genius: Success

Moments of Genius: Success

moments of genius

You know those moments when you do something so not-so-brilliant that they’re hilarious or even awe-inspiring? Let’s not call them mistakes. They’re our Moments of Genius! I started cheap Lurasidone Moments of Genius last year with the purpose of sharing just these times when we need to laugh at ourselves a little bit or even celebrate something we did Uritsk well. Shelley over at Slightly Off Kilter and Evin at Food Good Laundry Bad were awesome enough to include Moments of Genius in their June Axis of Ineptitude posts. So, here’s my Moment of Genius on Success:

Today was the first day of summer break for Miss Sassy Pants. It was one of those days when I really thought I’d have some extra help with the boys because she’d want to play with them. I was basically dead wrong. Instead, it was a day of resistance from all three of my kids on everything I requested.

We did, however, manage to get outside for a little bit before lunch and naps. And in that time, I sat back and watched them play and it was glorious. So, I had to grab a few shots.

First, they played peacefully in the sandbox. Look at each of them playing so happily. No one was arguing; no one was crying!


I even let them get a little messy. The Animal was just pleased as punch to have this very wet and messy sand all over his hands. I didn’t grab a picture of his brother’s pants!


Miss Sassy Pants let Flash help her create her version of Mount St. Helens (she is and always has been obsessed with volcanoes). He didn’t even try to smash it but instead attempted to help her put the rocks inside:

sand4She even snapped this shot when she was finished, and somehow the creation stayed intact when we were outside later. Both brothers left it alone:


Then, the Animal started drawing. He likes to use chalk to write his numbers over and over outside. But this creation, he called The Nothing. Pretty deep for a 3 year old.

draw1And as most little brothers do, Flash copied him. He needed to make sure that he had a piece of the chalk action.

draw2Also, the Animal has suddenly figured out how to wash his hands without anyone’s help. And God forbid I try to step in to assist. We have hit the I-am-three-so-leave-me-be stage! I am happy that he’s happy to do this!


I’d call this Summer Vacation Day 1 a success, wouldn’t you? What went well for you this week?


Axis of Ineptitude

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2 thoughts on “Moments of Genius: Success”

  1. Looks like a great start to summer! My kids have been with a friend at Vacation Bible School and they’ve been getting along pretty well, since they have other friends to play with. I find the best way for them to get along in the summer is to not force them together more than necessary!

    1. Good idea. This is the first summer that all three kids are able to play (since Flash is just now interactive). So far, so good!

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