National Best Friends Day

National Best Friends Day

Sunday, June 8, was National Best Friends Day. Bhasāwar Regular readers are well aware that my BFF is Heather. She and I have known each other for — when I do the math, it’s CRAZY — almost two decades. We met in our Marketing class, created some awesome Marketing videos, laughed our way through AP European, and enjoyed both prom and graduation night together. That was after only knowing each other for a few months.

After high school, lumberly we lived together for a very short time. That short time provided many awesome and hilarious memories, but it also proved to be the testing point of our relationship. She gave me (really awesome) advice that I ignored, and that sort of caused us to stop being as close for a while.

A few years and the birth of both of our first children had us back where we should have always been: best friends again. I’m so blessed to call Heather mine for so many reasons. Reasons I feel I should share here with you all:

1. She gets me. When she brought me dinner post-surgery the other day, it included chocolate chip cookies. Um, yes, thank you BFF.

2. She never judges me. Even though she will not mince words when it comes to giving me advice, if I choose to look the other way or ignore her, she will totally support me and not judge me. She may say, “What made you change your mind,” but I know she’s not then rolling her eyes at me.

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3. She’s hilarious. I keep urging her to start a blog. She won’t. I will hoard all of her blog-worthy stuff for myself then, thank you.

4. She’s brave. In the face of utter turmoil, Heather doesn’t let things get her down. I have watched her at her bravest, and she is my role model for keeping the faith no matter what.

5. She’s faithful. Heather keeps the Lord as #1, and this shows in all that she does. She clearly cares for people, and she truly wants the best for everyone.

6. She cleans up my house. Like, for real. Any time she’s here, she just jumps in and cleans up. Funny story: I was at her daughter’s most recent birthday and a spill occurred. I seriously had no idea where the broom was. I did ask, and I did clean up the mess. But this just goes to show which one of us helps at the other’s house more often (hint: it’s Heather).

7. She’s absolutely beautiful. Heather is one of those people who is both gorgeous on the outside (you should see her smile) and gorgeous on the inside (see reasons 1-6 and then 8-10 for further evidence). Even when she’s not dressed up to go out, she is gorgeous. I’ve caught her in her tshirt and yoga pants, and guess what? Still gorgeous.

8. She’s a fabulous wife and mother. Heather and her husband have been together basically as long as I’ve known her. They met while we were in high school, and the love between the two of them is just amazing. They support each other and love one another and are a model for what others should look and hope for in a marriage. And their kids are loved beyond reason. Heather will fight tooth and nail for her babies. Even in the most harried and exhausted states, she’s putting her kids’ needs above her own.

9. She reads books like I do. This may not seem to be that important of a trait, but when I know that we can trade books with little to no question, it’s a win-win for me. I love to read, and I trust that the books she suggests are going to be good ones. Plus, it helps save a buck or two when we share back and forth.

10. She’s really smart. If I have a question about anything – from what I should give as a dosage of medication for one of the kids or what goes well with a certain dish – I’m going to text Heather and ask her. She even had the answer for where to look for awesome summer camps this year. And if she doesn’t know it? She’ll search for me.

true friend

Tell me about your best friend(s) and why he/she should be honored for National Best Friends day!

Axis of Ineptitude

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8 thoughts on “National Best Friends Day”

  1. I am humbled. These are the nicest words I’ve ever read, hard to believe they’re about me. I could say the same things about you and they’d all be true. Love you friend. You are all the stuff that friends are made of.

  2. I’ve had a best friend since high school. I moved 1500 miles away and maintaining the closeness was difficult when only got to see her twice a year. Then a few years ago her oldest daughter found me on FB. I talked her into talking her mom into getting onto FB and now it’s so much easier to stay connected. I love seeing all of her status updates and pictures. So much fun to be back in each others lives on more of a daily basis.

  3. Best friends make the world better, don’t they? I have been blessed with my best friend since 1980 and she has been through everything with me.
    So glad that you have such a dear friend in your life!

    1. That is an awesome friendship! And yes, they do make the world that much better. Thank you for coming to visit!

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