Thankful: Bed Time Thankful: Bed Time

Every year in November, I try to post on Facebook a daily expression of my thankfulness. This year, I’ve decided to go one step further and blog daily with these thankful posts. Considering how overwhelmed I’ve been lately, I thought this series would do one of two things. First, it would force me to write every day which is a source of therapy for me. Secondly, it would help me focus on all the wonderful things and people I have in my life.

So you probably read the title of this post and thought, “Yeah, typical. She has a horde of children, gets no time to herself, and loves the peace that comes with bed time.”

I won’t tell you that you’re completely wrong.

You’re only wrong in that this post is actually about the ritual of bedtime that I’ve created with each of my children.

Ever since Miss Sassy Pants was a baby, I’ve been pretty ritualistic in my putting-kids-to-bed routine. I have found that it saves me tons of headaches. And I think that now, with my fourth baby learning how to go to sleep, it really does what my mom has always told me it would.

Kids love routine. They love to know what to expect. And they find safety in that knowledge. Even when they’re being awful and hearing me holler at them at every turn, the routine can kick us back into gear. They may push the limits, but they know the limits.

The basic routine is the same for each kid, but they morph into their own individual styles.

Miss Sassy Pants is a little old for me to bathe and such, so she does all of that herself. By the time I go in to her room to tell her goodnight, she and I have Free Time. It’s our chance to really talk to one another (if we need to). She expects this every night, and it’s rare that we miss it.

The Animal and I read a book or two and then I sing him silly songs. And by silly, I mean that the only one that is a legitimate “real” song is “Bushel and a Peck.” Otherwise, I sing him songs that I’ve made up or tweaked. One happens to be the ABCs Angry Birds style. He’s a funny guy.

Flash is my snuggler. He wants to read a book, and then he is ready to turn off his light and rock. I love that he still lets me rock him, and we’re just now entering the please-make-up-funny-songs zone with him. He’d probably let me rock him until he fell asleep, and I’ve been tempted.

Baby Diva is new to the routines. At this point, it’s bath, PJs, nurse, rock, sleep. We haven’t started books yet, but I’m sure that’s coming soon. Snuggling into her baby hair and listening to her sigh when she finally gives in makes the entire day’s stress worth it.

I know that this time with my babies is fleeting. Miss Sassy Pants is already on the brink of not needing a bedtime ritual with me, so I’m trying to remind myself every time I’m frustrated that I should enjoy every second.


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