The Bon Qui Qui Generation

Have you heard of Bon Qui Qui? She became famous a few years ago when Anjelah Johnson was a guest on Mad TV.

Bon Qui Qui is the server at “King Burger.” In the sketch, she tells a customer that she’s “rude” for interrupting Bon Qui Qui’s phone conversation and then calls “security” every time a customer asks for something she’s not okay with. (You can watch Bon Qui Qui’s hilarious sketch: Bon Qui Qui at King Burger.) Here’s another idea of what Bon Qui Qui is like…a video of Anjelah Johnson’s standup where Bon Qui Qui is a flight attendant:


What I’m noticing is that Bon Qui Qui is becoming more than just this funny character on MadTV (and I will say that Bon Qui Qui cracks me up). In fact, Bon Qui Qui is becoming the underlying attitude of our teenagers.

What do I mean by this? I mean buy clomid for pct entitled. I teach high school, so I have plenty of experience with this age group. And let me just say, the vast majority of teenagers “these days” are way too similar to Bon Qui Qui. Teenagers seem to believe that everyone should serve them, that they rule the situation, and that anyone who does differently is out to get them. And that’s why she’s so popular. She’s too close to truth.

Granted, I understand that most teenagers have this attitude no matter their socio-economic or educational background, experiences, and opportunities. It’s completely normal for teenagers to believe that the sun rises and sets over their angelic heads. But, this extreme attitude of if-I-don’t-get-what-I-want-I-will-cut-you is running more and more rampant. And, to be honest, there are more and more parents of the current teenagers who encourage and ultimately model this type of behavior.

I’m worried about the people who will one day rule our nation. Heck, I’m worried about the people who are already running things! What are we going to do about this?

Solutions, anyone? I’d love to hear them.

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