Top 4 Reasons Why Your Kid Doesn't Want To Study

deathly Top 4 Reasons Why Your Kid Doesn't Want To Study

Suddenly, your kid begins to get bad marks, doesn’t want to go to school, ignore home tasks, and he is ready to do everything but not study… Does it sound familiar to you?

What to do if your kid doesn’t want to study? The first question to answer here is WHY he doesn’t want to study? If you find a real reason, it will be easier for you to understand what to do with that.

As for reasons, they can be different here. Let’s take a look at four most popular of them.


Reason #1: Your kid doesn’t have abilities and opportunities to meet a school schedule

We all need a feeling of success. Maybe your kid doesn’t want to study because he doesn’t get good marks and doesn’t have any success. It doesn’t mean he is stupid. It’s just difficult for him to study.

Just try to remember how you chose a school for your kid. Were there many different school programs, multiple courses, experimental studying methods, several foreign languages, and so on and so forth? Certainly, there is nothing bad with that. But it’s bad if your kid’s abilities don’t let him fulfill all teachers’ requirements. He tries hard, but the moment comes when he sees that he can’t do that. Bad marks come more often, teachers and parents’ praise come more seldom… It’s clear why your kid doesn’t want to study anymore.

What to do? Just try to estimate your kid’s abilities right. Maybe it will be better to change a school or a class, where your child will feel himself better.

Reason #2: Your kid doesn’t have the skills of independent work

There are situations when your kid doesn’t want to study because he just doesn’t know how to do that. What we mean here is he just can’t study himself without being guided by adults. As long as a teacher explains it all, and there are in about 30 pupils in a classroom, your child follows the instructions, fitting into frameworks of general requirements. But when at home, he is left alone with tasks and often feels himself confused. Certainly, he knows what he was asked to do, but…

When you don’t know how to do this or that task, it may seem incredibly difficult and obscure, and the interest to such tasks is often reduced. Your task is to make a kid self-organized, show him how to set tasks and control their implementation.

Reason #3: Your kid doesn’t have any interest in some subjects

Sometimes it happens that a teacher wasn’t able to make his subject interesting for your kid. Reasons can be different, and, as far as you understand, it’s impossible to love everything. It’s a really difficult problem, and the only thing you can do here is to show you kid how interesting this subject can be for him. There are many different books and encyclopedias today where you can find much interesting information that teachers usually don’t tell.

Reason #4: Your kid has bad relations with other pupils

You don’t see your kid at school, so, you don’t know what his relations with other pupils are. Very often children don’t tell their parents about such problems.

The psychological state of a child who has strained relations with classmates affects his activities greatly, and influences his motivation to study much. A school does not seem an attractive place in this situation. Very often the attitude towards school spreads to study as well, and a child doesn’t want to go there and learn anything. Study can become a real challenge here, your kid may be afraid of being called a loser if he can’t answer a question for example, or a nerd if he knows a subject well.

Try to understand what relations your kid has with his classmates , and help him find effective ways of conflict resolution.

Author’s bio: is a copywriter and author of assignment help. Alex writes on different topics, including education, Internet marketing, social media, and entertainment.

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