Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award

When I received a note that I had been chosen for the Versatile Blogger Award, I was both humbled and excited. It’s so awesome to know that someone out there in Internetland is reading what I write! (And thank you for reading this right now!). Sandra over at A Layering of Perception was kind enough to give me the honor and pass the award on to me. We both participated in the Blogging from A-Z Challenge (which was really fun!). So now, I get to play along and pass the recognition on to some of my favorite Versatile Bloggers!


Here’s how it works:

Those who choose to participate:
1. If you have been nominated, create a post to thank that person. Link your post back to their blog.
2. Nominate 15 other bloggers that you believe deserve this award. Link back to their blog. Notify them to let them know of the nomination.
3. Share 7 little known facts about yourself.

7 Little Known Facts About Me:

1. When I see babies at stores after 9 pm, I get really angry.

2. I’m afraid of heights. I can fake it well, but I really want to puke when I’m walking over the train tracks on the bridge here in my neighborhood.

3. My house is a wreck, but you better believe I’m going to wipe the dust off of my clock/radio display in my car.

4. I pop my knuckles so much that I don’t even know I’m doing it anymore.

5. My favorite color used to be green. I don’t actually think it was my favorite color. My REAL favorite color is purple.

6. When I watch movies that are suspenseful, I have to have a blanket over me because I shiver from being nervous.

7. I wear a size 11 in shoes. My feet are pretty large!

15 Versatile Bloggers:

  1. Ashley at Skalica Teachable Mommy
  2. Candy at Candypolooza
  3. Krissy at All in a Day’s Work
  4. Rabia at The Liebers
  5. Karen at Baking in a Tornado
  6. Lorinda at Rowdy Baker
  7. Greta at G*Funk*ified
  8. Joanna at Just Joanna
  9. Pam at Pamdemonium
  10. Rachel at To Hab and To Hold
  11. Kristin at Little Mama Jama
  12. Shelley at Slightly Off Kilter
  13. Evin at Food Good Laundry Bad
  14. Anjanette at Momma Young at Home
  15. Dana at Kiss My List

I’m looking forward to reading 7 things about these bloggers!!

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8 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. I cover my eyes when I’m watching suspenseful movies, and I make my husband tell me what is happening. Thanks so much for the award, Lydia! I’m not very good at following up on these, but I’ll try!

    1. My husband gets so entrenched in the storyline that he isn’t fast enough to tell me what’s happening. Thus, I use my hands and look through them as best as I can!

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