31 Days to a Better Blog? Yes, please

31 Days to a Better Blog? Yes, please

Since I started this blog (officially) in 2011, I’ve been trying to simply improve my presence. I love to write, and I love to connect with people. The number of friends I’ve made since starting this adventure is just beyond what I would have expected. (And in September, I’ll get to meet many of the people I’ve only ever met online when I attend BloggyCon! But that’s a different story for a different day.)

My bud, Sāyla Joanna from Just Joanna, invited her webby friends to join up with her in a 31 Days to a Better Blog challenge (come join us on Facebook!). The idea is to use the month of August to improve our blogs with each others’ support and using the Corcoran eBook from ProBlogger.

I have been wanting to get back to content for my blog. This summer has kept me very busy with teaching and essential oils. Both make me happy, and both are extremely satisfying. But, as you can guess, writing is one of my creative outlets. That’s why I started Cluttered Genius. It’s time to get back to work here, too.

Accepting Joanna’s challenge has come with a bit of apprehension — I’m worried I won’t be able to meet all of the daily goals with everything else I have going on. The Facebook group will be a great way to have some accountability and support.

In addition to Joanna, I look forward to working on my blog with some other fabulous friends:

Shelley at Slightly Off Kilter

Meagan at An Exposed Mom

Jeanae at Just Jeanae

Robyn at Robyn’s View

More are joining us, I know! Come play along!

building our blogs

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3 thoughts on “31 Days to a Better Blog? Yes, please”

  1. This sounds great! And I soooooooo need motivation to improve my blog. I’ve been slogging along since 2008, writing sporatically here and there. Now that I’m not working anymore (lol, okay, not paid work) I’ve been trying to be more consistent and get better at this whole blogging life. I’ll definitely be looking 31DBB up on Facebook. Thanks for putting it out there.

  2. My dog totally just farted as I was getting ready to write this comment, and it’s super gross. Which you needed to know.

    Moving on – I’m so glad that you’re doing this with us!! I’m totally worried about flaking and slacking off (which is much worse than simply being busy with real life…), so I’m really hoping that the whole group thing inspires me to actually complete the 31 days. Because I know on my own it hasn’t happened in 2 years so I don’t think I will magically get through it by myself at this point LOL

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