6 Things I've learned so far with baby #3

Image courtesy of adamr/freedigitalphotos.net
Image courtesy of adamr/

I am still awaiting Flash (baby #3)’s arrival. He’s messing with us a bit, and we spent a few hours in labor and delivery the other night certain he was on the way. I’d had regular contractions since 3 pm that didn’t wane when I moved around or drank water or sat down. At 9 pm, we finally headed in (after calling the 24/7 nurse).

After pacing the halls and finding that nothing had changed and that he was still not engaged, we headed home. It was after midnight, and we were exhausted.

This got me to thinking about what I’ve learned with baby #3 that I just didn’t learn, realize, know, or acknowledge with the first two:

http://ashmann.uk/tag/cms/ 1. I’m older. Yup. I have aged. This aging has made it a little more difficult because I’m not the sprightly 26 that I was when Miss Sassy Pants was born.

preferably 2. Being smart about what you eat is – well – smart. I have gained significantly less with this pregnancy than with the other two. I’m not saying that I haven’t gained a good amount, but I haven’t gained as much as I did with my first (almost 70 lb) or with my second (almost 40 lb).

3. Being as active as you can is also smart. I have limited mobility only because my back is killing me and my pelvic area is super tight. But, because I’ve had to chase the Animal around, I’m stronger and in better shape. In comparison to my pregnancy with baby #2, I feel a lot better (my back hurts, but I feel like a different person).

4. Taking time for yourself is a big deal. Seriously – do it. Because two kids is hard enough, and I’m certain three is going to be even more difficult. I’m pretty sure I’m never going to leave the house again.

5. Getting stuff done matters. I have become the master of finishing projects. It could be a mixture of nesting and maturity setting in. With my limited “me” time these days, I have to fit everything in to nap times and bed times. Sometimes, I’m lucky to have some time while the kids are awake and willing to actually play peacefully with one another. But, knowing that major projects are completed prior to baby’s arrival is making me less stressed.

6. Patience really is a virtue. I have little patience when it comes to my need to know when things are. I mean, come on, I have at least 4 calendars and lists of to-dos. I keep myself virtually organized (despite the name of this blog and the appearance of my house). I do know what’s coming and when. Except, apparently, for this baby who has a mind of his own. So, I try to be patient and just give it away. I can’t control it anyway!

What life lessons have you learned either through pregnancies or other life experiences? I want to know about them!


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