Baby and Toddler Bath Scoop (Review) Baby and Toddler Bath Scoop (Review)

With two boys playing together in the bath tub, we end up with a lot of toys. Short of just having a colander to strain the water out of them and attempt to keep them dry – and thus free of gooey mold that can develop – we had limited options to clean up the abundance of letters, boats, numbers, and squirty dinosaurs.

But then I had a chance to receive and review the Baby and Toddler Bath Scoop, and now our bath tub stays clutter free!

This particular scoop is crazy easy to install. You don’t have to use any screws or tape or glue.

Because it comes with the easy to install suction cups, you can have this scoop up in about two minutes.

Make sure that your bath stall wall is clean and then moisten the suction cups. They will attach right away.


Scoop up your toys and hang the scoop on the ledge attached to the cups. For a few moments, I was worried that the sheer weight of the toys in the scoop would cause a problem. I can tell you that after two full weeks of much usage, it’s still holding strong!


Easy peasy. I highly recommend making sure that your shower/bath wall is clean before you install. I didn’t do such a great job of ensuring this at first, and the scoop fell. After I took a moment to clean this specific spot and then reinstall, we’ve had no problems.
I received this product free in exchange for review. All opinions are my own.

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