Simple Bow Holder!

There are so many ideas for bow holders, but what about bows that are attached to hair ties or scrunchies? How do you keep those organized in a cute way?

This was my conundrum for Miss Sassy Pants’s hair tie bows. I mulled over the issue for a long time before it dawned on me (ok, it was a suggestion from my mom, but I’m going to try to take the credit).

Here is how we were holding the bows to begin with:

Bow MessThis just wasn’t working because in order to get to a bow, you’d have to take all the bows off. With a seven year old, that’s just asking for a bigger mess later.

Remember those old accordion-style hat and coat racks? When I was asking my husband and mom what we might be able to do to wrangle this mess, this is what my mom suggested. She had a couple extra, so we went with it.

I added some ribbon to the top to make it pretty:Bow Holder Empty

Then, I let Miss Sassy Pants begin to organize. Miss SP: Oooh, I’m going to organize by holiday. Me: That’s a great idea! Then maybe you can organize by…

Miss SP: Funk.

Me: Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking.

Here is what she accomplished!

Bow Holder

Cute. Simple. Cost me NOTHING. And, I helped get one more thing out of mom’s house.

Here’s the section Miss Sassy Pants said was for the “hangy down ones.”

Bow Holder Close Up

How have you organized with your kids on the cheap? Share with me!




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